The format looks as follows: “Screen Shot at 12.25.36.png”. Normally, screenshots are saved as PNG images (titled with the current date and time stamp) right on the desktop. Once you’re done taking them, where do screenshots on a Mac go?

Select the active application window you want to capture by moving your cursor.Press Command-Shift-4 to change a pointer to a crosshair.(3) To capture a screenshot of an active window, do the following: You can easily print screen an active window of any program, be it Safari, Chrome, Photoshop, or Microsoft Excel.

If you need a screenshot of a specific application that you’re currently using, use this method. PDF Converter: PDFelement also has a PDF converter that allows you to convert your PDF files into other formats.Figure 3 – The process of taking screenshots of an active application.You can highlight different things using this feature. Annotation: PDFelement allows you to add notes, comments, and annotate PDF files.It offers a wide range of text sizes, fonts, graphics, and much more. Editing Features: PDFelement offers different editing options to you for creating and editing existing PDFs.OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition that allows you to convert images of typed, handwritten, or printed text into machine-encoded text. Some of the main features of Wondershare PDFelement are listed below: It gives you the option to create and edit PDFs online and also allows you to collaborate with people. It is an all-in-one PDF editor that you can use across any platform such as mobile, computer, etc. One of such tools is Wondershare PDFelement. In order to convert a screenshot into a PDF file, you have to take the help of external tools. In this article, we will introduce one of the best tools for converting screenshots into PDFs with an easy-to-follow step-by-step guide of how to convert screenshots to PDF. Are you wondering how to add a screenshot to your presentation without ruining the quality? Or are you looking to store your screenshots in a reliable format? Well, we have just the solution for you! All you have to do is convert your screenshots into a PDF file.